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Red With Anger

DE Deutschland
Gegründet: 1999
Bandstatus: Aktiv
Genre: PunkHardcore
Myspace Seite: redwithanger
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can´t remeber ...! i think we formed in late ´99. any member of red with anger was playing in some other bands before (artgerecht, eyes of war, dunkle tage, milzbrand, f.u.c.k. ...). last year our singer left the band - now we´re back with a new one. the sonx on this side are with our new shouter. our next release will be a split record together with kohu-63 from finland in january ´06. if you´re interested in trades or something else let´s get in touch. you can find our stuff at www.assel-records.de. D.I.Y. or fuckin´ die!!!